A fund has been set up at Union Bank to help pay Jim Unger's medical and rehabilitation expenses. You can donate at any Lincoln branch.To follow his recovery, go to: caringbridge.org/visit/jimunger
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Lincoln Southeast High School
Class Of 1971 |
The results are in and the class has spoken clearly. We voted overwhelmingly to have a 55threunion. Moreover, the class expressed a strong preference for a fall 2026 reunion. The reunion committee is working towards a 55th reunion that incorporates the preferences expressed in our recent questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire can be viewed by clicking on the ‘55th Reunion Questionnaire’ button on the left menu of the home page.
As the committee explores the options available for the fall of 2026, another questionnaire will be sent out to the class to identify preferences amongst the options they discovered. Keep an eye out for this additional questionnaire.
We are going to party like only the LSE class of 1971 knows how to party!!
LSE Class of 1971 – 55th Reunion
There has been some discussion amongst our class about the possibility of having a 55th reunion in 2026. Accordingly, the reunion committee has decided to distribute a questionnaire to gauge the class’s interest in a 55th reunion. The questionnaire can be found on the left menu pane, towards the bottom of the list. It is a short, general questionnaire to identify any interest for a 55th reunion and, if such interest exists, identify some of the major features a 55th reunion should include. It should only take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire and it will help the reunion committee tremendously. Thanks, as always, for your help!
The 1971 Clarion Has Arrived!
We have a new feature on our website! With much thanks to classmate John Carman, we now have a complete listing of the Clarion from 1971 to peruse, including the 1970-1971 Special Edition and the 1970 -1971 Nite of Knights edition. Reading through these signposts of our senior days at LSE is absolutely priceless. The articles, photographs, and other features are not to be missed. They will bring back some wonderful memories. The Clarion from 1970-1971 can be found at the top of the left menu. Give it a try!
A Long and Winding Road!
An open message from Tom Larson:
Dear Classmates:
This will be my final communication regarding my recent health event to all of you. I have started this message several times! I break for tears of love and tears of just suppressed emotions that this journey has taken me on. My heart disease has taken me to places and emotions that I could have never expected.
First, let me contemplate on the overwhelming show of love and support that I have received from all of you that may be reading this at this time.I guess I shouldn't have been surprised nor overwhelmed… yet, I was!! I realized that I have chosen my friendships and cultivated them over the years from grade school on throughout my life. However, I didn't realize just how strong and lasting my friendships would be!
Secondly, I never realized my friendships would literally someday help save my life!! It's the kind of love I would have only expected from my mother, which, is called unconditional love!!
Yet through the years, you all have expressed this same level of support for me in various ways. Through all of this experience, you have said either verbally, or through a deed, or generous donations, "Tommy, we love you"!
There's another thing that many have also told me and that is, "I am praying for you". I have never considered myself to be a "religious”person, however, I have always considered myself to be a "spiritual" person. As a result of this distinction, I somehow brushed aside those thoughts of "praying for me" as something not real… in other words, just a nice thought.
Through my most recent experience and the processing of that experience, I no longer believe prayers as "just a nice thought". I now understand that praying is a powerful sort of collection of cosmic consciousness that not only binds us together as lifelong friends, but is also a strong healing power that bonds us together in friendship, as fellow human beings, and with all of life in general.
This has been a life changing experience for me, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I now look at the relationships in my life with a whole new appreciation, and I intend to live out the rest of my life more intentionally to honor all of you and others that have so generously reached out to me with their caring concerns, well wishes, financial gifts, and continual prayers. I will be forever grateful and thank each one of you from the depths of my heart!
Nebraska Nice
There are no do-overs in life. Regret exacts a never-ending price. I can speak only for myself. But I wonder, who of us hasn’t passed up an opportunity to help someone, whether that person was a friend or stranger, then lived to regret it and can’t put-paid to a constant penance.
I’ve made this mistake and vowed never again to sit by passively and watch such opportunity slip away forever.
I’ve lived in multiple states and traveled among cultures on almost every continent. I learned one true thing: we are the lucky ones. All of us had the great good fortune of being born and raised in Nebraska. No matter where I traveled, people were stunned to learn I had lifelong friendships with high school classmates. It finally dawned on me that this was a unique and valuable thing in the world at large. Who knew?
Whether you hung or glided or flipped like a Cirque du Soleil star on the Gymnastics Team on your way to a State Championship, a white letter sweater, and LSE Sports Hall of Fame; or swam with endurance and grace in the Synkra-Knights or LSE Swim Team, or burned more gray matter in the LSE Chess Club than in all of Finals Week, or volunteered as a Key Club Member to be a Big Brother to someone at Cedars Home for Children, or learned how to forge tomorrow’s businesses in the Marketing Club, or hit a baseball, tennis ball, golf ball,; or ran, threw, or jumped for the LSE Track Team — few things deepen and lock-in lasting friendships as much as sports and school clubs.
I’m confident all of us has, at some point in our lives, realized how rare have been our earliest experiences and invaluable our lifelong friendships.
There have been instances when doing something for a friend or stranger seemed insignificant, only to have that person years later say that small gesture was huge, meant the world to them. Who knew?
I think now is one of those moments, of which you only get a handful in a lifetime.
No matter how small or large is your gift to save a life, it is invaluable. I have no doubt whatsoever that Nebraska Nice will hit the target goal of Tom Larson’s Go Fund Me campaign.
John Van Gundy
"With A Little Help From My Friends"
John Lennon and Paul McCartney, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Most of you know/remember Tom Larson from our class. Many of you are probably aware that Tom has spent the last 30+ years in Ecuador, working with indigenous tribes to preserve and protect the fragile Amazon Basin. He has led a noble life, pursuing his passion to create a sustainable, environmentally friendly community where few tend to go.
Tom needs our help. He has recently learned that he has a serious health issue and needs an aortic heart valve replacement. Moreover, time is of the essence, which means he must rely upon the private health care system in Ecuador if he is to receive the care he needs in time. Tom does not have health insurance for the private health care system and will be forced to pay the entire estimated cost of $47,500 to have this medical procedure done. He has taken out a loan to allow him to schedule the surgery in Quito, Ecuador, as quickly as possible. This is where we can help. We have set up a GoFundMe site for Tom at to help repay the loan at https://gofund.me/ca5840b9. Every donation, large or small, is important so please consider donating to Tom’s medical fund.
We appreciate your consideration of Tom’s plight and willingness to help.
LSE ’71 – Where It All Began
Did we have fun or what?!?
From the pre-game social - (L to R) Karen Torrence Wirrig, Jackie Harris Howard, Cynthia Wilson Carlson, Karen Knudtson Slater and Barbie Eaton Hendricks
Having fun! Jackie Harris Howard, Ed Howard and Steve Bridger at the game
The 50th reunion is in the books and boy, did we have fun. Check out Photo Albums on the left menu for the latest photographs from our 50th Reunion events and relive the fun.
The reunion festivities was the result of a lot of hard work by a lot of dedicated classmates. Our thanks goes out to the 50th reunion committee who worked so hard over the past 18 months.
50th Reunion Committee
Susan Adamson Ballew - Chair of the Memory Table
Deb Brady Yeutter - Chief Assistant to Everyone
Bill Bryant - Chair of LSE tour
Andy Byerly - Co-chair of Photography
Cynthia Wilson Carlson - Co-treasurer
John Carman - Co-chair of Pre-game Social
Mary Tiemann DeLaney - Saturday Night Emcee
Louis Doyle - Friday Night Emcee
Patrice Engelbrecht - Chief Assistant to Everyone
Dave Firestone - Co-chair of Pre-game Social
George Howard - Chair of Brochure and Commemorative Coin
Pete Larson - Chair of T-shirt and Music
Eric Matteson - Co-chair of Photography & all things PowerPoint
Jim Nelson - Co-chair of Pre-game Social
Carol Gant Ochsner - Chair of Name Tags
Susan Schroeder Seacrest - Chair of Saturday Night Party
Steve Shelley - Saturday Night Emcee
Dave Thiel - Class Photograph
Jim Tiedeman - Chair of Golf Outing and Co-chair of Music
Karen Jensen Travis - Co-treasurer
Tim Wentz - Friday Night Chair
Bruce Weyhrauch - Friday Night Emcee
Most of the people listed above worked on multiple teams where an extra set of hands was needed. They are a great team to work with and together they produced an amazing reunion.
Thanks Team!
September 23 - 25, 2021
Are you ready to party? The reunion committee has a truly memorable event planned and we are excited to see so many of our classmates again. The event descriptions can be viewed at the 50th Reunion Registration page, located at the top of the left menu. There are few items we have added or changed that we want to bring to your attention.
Sept. 23, Thursday Night Pre-game Social
The pre-game social will start at 5:00 and will be located in the West parking lot (we are the home team) towards the back end of the parking lot. Look for the LSE Class of '71 banner and our pop-up tents. Please note that LPS no longer accepts money at the game, so you will have to buy your ticket using the GoFan app. Download the GoFan app (it is free) and select Lincoln Southeast, Lincoln, NE from the drop-down menu. Scroll down through all the available events to the Lincoln Southeast v. Lincoln East varsity football game (this is important). Select that event and then follow the prompts to pay for the ticket. Kick-off is at 7:00 pm. This is an "all weather" event so watch the weather forecast and dress accordingly. If you have any trouble downloading or buying your tickets, please contact Tim Wentz (tim.wentz@windstream.net).
Sept. 24, Friday Meet & Greet Party
Our 'Meet & Greet' party will be a very low-key, casual event at the Jasmine Room at the Grand Manse. It is easiest to enter the Grand Manse from the 10th Street doors. The accessible entrance is located at the 9th and P Street corner of the building. The party starts at 6:00 pm. This will be an indoor/outdoor event, so masks will be required indoors. We have a spacious ballroom rented and will be unveiling our class photograph show, which isn't to be missed. We have received nearly 200 photographs showing what we have been up to for 50 years. Dennis Taylor will be entertaining us with his incomparable music. We have a 'Who am I' raffle that will reveal new and previously unknown facts about our classmates. Prizes include Big Red gift certificates, handmade pens, commemorative Pepsi 8-packs, Nebraska football tickets and much, much more.
Sept. 25, Saturday Tour of LSE
We will be touring our alma mater, although you probably won't recognize it. The tour starts at 10:00. Please park by the tennis courts on the East side of the school, off of Van Dorn Street and enter through the commons door (Door 18). The tour will start in the commons area (new location).
Sept. 25, Saturday Night Celebration
Our 50th celebration will be held at the Marriott Cornhusker and starts at 6:00 pm. We have changed ballrooms and will now be in the Lancaster Ballroom on the lower level. We have a hospitality room set up next door in the Arbor Room, which will be open from 3:00 pm until the end of the reunion. We have all sorts of fun planned for this party as we celebrate our 50th reunion.
Bruce Weyhrauch recently brought this historical artifact to our attention. Brought back a lot of memories and adds to the excitement of our upcoming 50th reunion.
If the class of 1969 is having their 50th reunion next month, can we be far behind? Start thinking about what you think we should do to celebrate and pass it along. Planning will start soon and volunteers are most welcome!
A very interesting article appeared in the Clarion just prior to the Link game in fall of 1970. It reminds us that our 50th reunion is only a couple of years away. Where did that time go? Update: George Howard certainly remembers the Wild Bunch and would like to remind us "Even though our Wild Bunch lost a regular season game and was 2-1 when this picture was taken, we won all of the playoff games and won the championship."
Harold Baker 90th Birthday!
We all fondly remember math teacher Harold Baker. Even if some didn't care much for math (probably 90% of our class) we recognized Harold Baker as an excellent teacher who really cared. There is an open house for him on Sunday, March 30 at Legacy Estates, 72nd and Van Dorn, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. I am sure he would appreciate seeing some of his former students.
Congratulations Gymnastics Team!
Our state champion gymnastics team will be inducted into the Lincoln Southeast Hall of Fame on February 9, 2017 in the Great Hall at the Lincoln Train Station in the Haymarket. What a great honor! This is the second year in a row one of our teams has been inducted into the Hall of Fame, more evidence of how special our years were at LSE.
Special congratulations go out to our classmates that were a part of that state champion team: Scott Thompson, Dave Beilby, Jim Unger, Jim Daniels and Tom Larson. All are pictured in the team picture below.
Band Day - 1968
What a hoot! (pun intended). With much thanks to classmate DeLyn Caspers, whose Mom dutifully kept this classic picture, we have a rare picture of Band Day in 1968. DeLyn has somehow managed to identify most of the players and even the Baton Leader and one of the Majorettes! If you know where you were in this photograph, let us know and we will publish the names by position. I am in column 5, #4 from the front (looking around trying to figure out where I am supposed to be.)
1970 Football Champions Inducted into Hall of Fame
On February 4, our 1970 state champion football team was inducted into the LSE Hall of Fame. The induction ceremony was conducted at the Lincoln Station, in the Haymarket. A special reception was held on February 5, prior to the LSE basketball game where the team was introduced at halftime. What a weekend! I will ask the team to upload their favorite pictures in our photo gallery (one of mine follows). A special thanks goes out to Jim Unger, who drove the nomination process, George Howard, who provided much of the research, and John Carman, who came up with the game DVD (You really need to buy one, I did - it is awesome).
Anyone (except the football team) want to guess the names of this steller group?
LSE is #1 Revisited
With much thanks to George Howard, we have the following article on our State championship. Some of this material was undoubtedly forgotten and I appreciate George returningn the memory to us.
Our very own 1971 state champion football team will be inducted into the Lincoln Southeast Hall of Fame on Thursday, February 4, 2016. The awards banquet will be held in the Great Hall at the Lincoln Train Station in the Haymarket. Social hour starts at 5:30 and the meal starts at 6:30. Tickets can be bought by contacting the LSE Athletic Office or by calling 402-436-1359. Can anyone identify the players pictured? [Well, that didn't take long. George Howard nailed it immediately with the following identification: Doug Deeter #32, Jim Krieger #35, Jeff Schneider #37, Brad Egger #54 and Mark Lutz #74. I was really impressed with George's memory until he admitted he had the following roster from 1971.]
Once a Night History Quiz - Part Deux
I suppose I have demonstrated conclusively why I was never considered for the post of class historian. Turns out I didn't know the answer to the history quiz either. Peggy Baker Chown had originally guessed the suit of armour, followed closely by Marcia Schroeder McCown. The correct answer is that our senior project collected money for the case in which the suit of armour resides, not the suit of armour itself. Using the same tactic I often used in Gunnar Overgaard's class, I would lobby for half credit.
Once Night History Quiz
Well, that turned out to be a more difficult question than I would have thought. We had some really good guesses (I didn't guess correctly either) but none the hit the mark. The item displayed is a bumper sticker that was sold to raise funds for the senior project. Anyone remember the senior project?
We have a winner! Marcia Schroeder McCown correctly recalled that we collected money for the large knight's suit of armour in the front hall.
History Quiz - Part Two
Bet you haven't seen one of these for quite a while. Thanks to George Howard for sending it along. Anyone remember what this is and why it was produced? Besides George, of course.
Ted Kirk/Lincoln Journal Star photo
JIm Unger Update
A great article on classmate Jim Unger and his courageous battle to walk after a bicycle accident is found on the front page of the May 14, Journal Star. The link to the article on the Journal Star website is http://journalstar.com/news/local/longtime-gymnastics-school-closes-as-owner-fights-to-walk-again/article_b7de2745-f3b0-5b55-8a36-4a25c59b79f0.html
World Herald Photo - Don Bryant and his son Bill
Remembering Don 'Fox' Bryant
Many of us remember Don 'Fox' Bryant, father of classmate Bill Bryant. He had a tremendous impact on many, many people, including a large number of the Class of '71. The Fox passed away last December after a long and generous life. A great article on Fox and classmate Bill can be found on the Omaha World Herald website at http://www.omaha.com/huskers/shatel-don-bryant-preserved-decades-of-husker-history/article_1294cf31-8a33-56e5-9d8f-8881390e7084.html
The state champion Lincoln Southeast gymnastics team of 1969 was inducted into the LSE Hall of Fame on January 29, 2015. The class of 1971 was well represented on that team, several of which attended the induction ceremonies and had a "mini-reunion". 1971 classmates inducted into the Hall of Fame as a part of the 1969 gymnastics team includes the followiing:
Dave Beilby
Jim Daniels
Dave Grant
Bill Hendricks
Tom Larson
Jim Russell
Scott Thompson
Jim Unger
If anyone has a picture or a memento to post regarding our outstanding gymnastic team please send it along.
Remember This?
Dennis Taylor and Carolyn Hull won our mini-contest by correctly identifying Len Huss and Frank Solich, faculty from 1968-1969 at LSE. I dug around looking for a suitable prize for each of them and came up with two mint condition KLMS "Nifty Fifty" record ratings from 1965. On the inside of the sheet was the record ranking for the week, you may remember.
I note that 'Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter' was ranked the second most popular record on June 5, 1965. I haven't thought of, or heard, that tune for a long, long time. It brought back some great memories. Thus, I thought these "Nifty Fiftys" would be appropriate prizes for our two classmates that obviously have great memories too.
Memorial for Mike Ash
Gather next Saturday, January 10, 2015, in Lincoln at The Cellar from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM to honor a fine man and our friend, Mike Ash. All of Mike’s family and friends are welcome -- neighborhood friends, Prescott friends, Irving friends, Southeast friends (especially Classes 1970 to 1974), gymnastics squad teammates and competitors! Mike lived in Phoenix since the early 1970s. This is an opportunity to celebrate Mike's life and his many friendships in his home town. Come on by, if you can, and share the joy of having known Mike. The Oven Cellar 201 N. 8th Street (8th and P) Lincoln, NE 68508 Go to www.lse72.com to view our In Memory page.
Wow, are we good or what?
Carolyn Hull won the second prize in record fashion. The gentleman on the right is Frank Solich, PE and Drivers Ed teacher at LSE 1968, along with Leonard Huss. Congratulations, Carolyn!
Well, that didn't take long, did it?
Dennis Taylor won the contest hands down. The faculty member shown is none other than Leonard Huss, English teacher from 1968-1969. Leonard is shown below with yet another past LSE faculty member. I trust this contest won't take long either.
Remember this Faculty Member?
A couple of hints might be in order. This individual taught English when we were sophomores (1968-1969 for those who can't find their calculators). I am not too sure what the winner will receive from this mini-contest, but I will dream up something appropriate.
Coach Wally McNaught (1933- 2014)

Congratulations, John O'Shea!
John O'Shea was featured in a recent article in U S Today, regarding his work on ancient civilizations. The article can be accessed at http://usat.ly/1mRPAzF
Congratulations, Steve Shelley!
Our very own Steve Shelley was inducted into the Lincoln Southeast Distinguished Alumni Program on April 25, 2014. This is a great honor and well deserved. The LSE Distinguised Alumni program was started in 1995 to recognize outstanding accomplishements by LSE alumni who:
- are recognized on a local, state and national level in their field
- have a positive impact on society
- have been recognized for contributions in their profession; and
- are recoginized as a leader by their colleagues
All of these criteria describe Steve perfectly. Way to go, Steve!
The article appeared in the April 25, 2014 Journal Star. You can read the original article at http://journalstar.com/niche/neighborhood-extra/news/lincoln-southeast-high-school-honors-eight-at-distinguished-alumni-program/article_ac48bcd1-932c-5c46-bdd0-876254cc0eab.html
Tom Engler
1953 - 2014
We are very saddened to learn that classmate Tom Engler passed away on February 10, 2014, just after the passing of Arnie Kallase. To lose two wonderful classmates so quickly simply magnifies our loss. John Slama has written a very moving remembrance of Tom and that is posted on the In Memory page under Tom's name. Feel free to share your recollections of both Tom and Arnie on our In Memory page.
Arnie Kallase
1953 - 2014
We are very saddened to learn of the passing of our classmate, Arnie Kallase, on February 8. Arnie is remembered as a really fun person who was a pleasure to know.
Update on Jim Unger
January 14, 2014
This very uplifting and inspiring update from Jim Unger is bound to brighten everyone's day.
I am working diligently at defying the odds for quadriplegic recovery. I was given a 5% chance of recovering anything at all below the neck; the only parts that worked were lifting my arms a little, and lifting the back of my knuckles upward at the wrist joint. I could not feel or move anything other than that. I asked about walking again, and was given a less than 1% figure. Apparently they didn't know who they were dealing with--they are amazed at Madonna Rehab. I am taking a step or two in the pool while holding the teacher's shoulders; have recovered 10 - 25% of the power in most of my muscles. I walk briskly on the Locomat treadmill with the robot legs assisting. Some of the new therapists think I am just a paraplegic. We have driven to Albuquerque 9 times for acupuncture--a Chinese guru has amazing results with me every time. I get electronic machine treatment treatment and much more from my Lincoln chiropractor. It is going to be one hell of a party when I start walking--will sure let you know! Can't wait to get into golf tournaments with the maximum 36 handicap.
Will stay in touch--
Nickerson says walking is just PUD.
See ya later
Ungie power.
Virgie Falloon Article
A very nice article about classmate Virgie Falloon appeared on the front page of the Lincoln Journal Star on Sunday, July 14, 2013. Click on the following link to read the article.
Update on Jim Unger
March 25, 2013
Check out this very encouraging and uplifting article about Jim Unger and his 'never give up' attitude. It can be found at the Lincoln Journal Star website at
Update on Jim Unger
Nov. 4, 2012
"What a disappointing day!!! I am wondering tonight if we are supposed to have all doors close for human help so we have to trust in God, 100%! We went to a spinal surgeon today who told us that the chance of doing any surgery and having it have any effect on Jim's spine would be like the Dr. hitting a home run on a pitch thrown by a major league pitcher. In other words the odds are not in Jim's favor!
Please continue the prayers!
Photograph submitted by George Howard from a 1970 Clarion. Do you recognize any of our classmates in this stunning photo? Scroll below to find the answer!
Serious Accident Befalls Jim Unger
Classmate Jim Unger was involved in a serious accident on Wednesday, August 16. Jim was thrown from his bicycle and suffered a serious spinal column injury. A complete account of the accident can be found on the Journal Star web page at the following address:
I know all of us will keep Jim and his family in our thoughts and prayers.
Update as of August 20, 2012
As of this evening, the following two emails have been received.
From Cathy Unger Blythe
“I wanted to let those of you following Jim's progress know that he has now been moved to Madonna to start some serious rehab and he can't wait to get rolling on the tough stuff. Nothing has really changed YET with the paralysis - but his head wounds are healing and his upper strength is better. We have such confidence in Madonna. It is such a comfort for him to have heard from so many people - many of them people he doesn't even know - and of course many past and present students and fellow gymnasts and church people and family members. They are trying to rein in the visits to 15 min. but he is appreciative of each and every person who has reached out with a phone call, a card, a visit and when he is back home, I know he will do his best to pay it forward in extending those kindnesses to others. He has been on a LOT of prayer chains and individual prayers and positive thoughts and he truly feels the power of the outpouring. So on behalf of Jim and his family and all of us in the Unger clan, thanks for your immeasurable caring. He's still going for that miracle. :-)”
From one of Jim's children and contained within an email received from Bill Bryant.
“Thanks everyone for your continued prayers and good thoughts over the weekend. Dad is settled in at Madonna--a room opened up in the spinal cord unit so he moved there from the room that he had temporarily been in. He still enjoys seeing and hearing from everyone but I think the realization of the long haul ahead has started to settle in--he gets tired but always keeps up good spirits and gracious conversation. Prayers for energy would be appreciated!
His stitches come out tomorrow. An ophthalmologist will also be checking his eyes because the left one is having some vision troubles. He did have a fever that they determined was caused by a UTI so they have him on meds for that and are checking his vital signs more closely. It is not a huge deal but we don't want any health problems to deter from the progress. He also has a very sore shoulder--they x-rayed it and said it was not separated but it is painful for him.
Unfortunately no improvements have happened with his feeling. However, he is doing much better with his movement, both gross and fine motor skills. He is able to raise his right arm all the way above his head as well as feed himself with a little bit of help. He's enjoying the fresh fruit in his meals, especially the grapes and watermelon.
Our sermon at church today was about the paralyzed man to whom Jesus said "Get up-take your mat and walk!". Pretty ironic, huh? We know God does some pretty awesome things and we're planning on even more incredible works to happen here. Thanks again for all of your support. He does enjoy visitors--a short visit is best as he is tired, but if you wanted to stop by in the late afternoon/early evening for about 15 minutes that would be fun for him. Have a wonderful night, everyone.”
Answer to 1970 Clarion picture
Left to Right - Unknown, Steve Hodge, Larry Collins, Jim Kissell, Bruce Wehrauch, Dan Berlowitz and Jeff Schneider.
P.S. My guess on the first classmate is Mike Shuptar (I am probably wrong) [March 13, 2013 - As suspected, I was proved wrong. The individual on the far left is Dan Eisenhardt, class of 1972. At least I am consistent.]
Wow! Did we have a great time or what?!
The 40th LSE Reunion is now in the memory banks (a tenuous place for our class) and a great time was had by all.
Much thanks to Jim Daniels and Dennis Taylor, who have put together an awesome video of our reunion. Jim took the photographs and did a masterful job of editing the video and incorporating Dennis Taylor's awesome music. The video can be found on You Tube at
Dennis sent a thought provoking and moving email about putting together the music for the video. The email follows:
"It was immensely gratifying to be able to contribute the music for our reunion video.
The music was originally an unused improvised variation of the main theme composed for the soundtrack to the Lincoln Arts Council's "Stories of Home" documentary film, a five year project that brought together a dozen visual artists with a dozen families that came from all over the world to make Lincoln their new home. Each artist created an art work commemorating each family's own unique story of home.
When the music was put together with our reunion video, it was not only a very rewarding experience in itself, but it suddenly occurred to me that it also brought the original project full circle for me in a very personal way. I realized that the deep and lasting friendships we made during our school years, are in the truest sense our own "Stories of Home".
Please feel free to share this with our classmates. I wasn't sure how to do so on the website, but somehow I would like everyone to know how much they have meant to me over the years. It only takes a few seconds to connect with another person, but that connection can last a lifetime."
Thanks again,
A few quick notes about the reunion:
- We estimate that approximately 175 people showed up for the Friday night event at the Rococo. Outstanding!
- Approximately 60 people showed up for the LSE tour, another outstanding turnout.
- 25 classmates played in the first ever LSE Class of 1971 golf tournament. True to form, Tim Wentz finished last and managed to drag four pretty good golfers down with him.
- Over 125 classmates showed up for the Saturday night event, certainly a record for our class. Dennis Taylor was awesome as an instrumentalist and the slide show from 1981 was an added treat.
The 'Photograph Albums' is open for business (on the left hand menu). We have it set up so that any classmate can upload pictures from the 40th reunion. A few are already posted, although it will take a while to get them all posted. Feel free to add photographs and/or download photographs as you wish.
One last 'Thank You' to the Reunion Committee, who put hours of hard work into the reunion. They are:
Bill Bryant Cindy Wilson Carlson
Dottie O'shea Hayes Dave Firestone
Carolyn Hull Iodice Karen Jensen Travis
Pete Larson Jim Penterman
Jim Tiedeman Tim Wentz
Finally, last but not least. Thanks to all of you who attended or participated via the website. You made the reunion a resounding success! Anyone for a 50th Reunion?